Note from the Board: Scott Genzman
Empowerment the Jesus Way
For many years I have been part of church benevolence committees and have tried to spend time helping people in the best way I can. Sometimes I think I have made a difference, but many times I am sure I have not, and in some cases I believe I have hurt people. I have come to understand over the last year or so that the process to help someone is best described in the word empowerment. Unite 4 Africa applies this practice in every initiative as they mobilize, equip individuals and communities empowering them spiritually, socially, emotionally, economically and education in schools.
Empowerment, I have come to learn, is a process, not a single action and can be applied not only in Africa but is desperately needed all over the world. I think several years ago if someone would have told me that empowerment was needed in America, I would have probably ignored that person. However, God has opened my eyes to an amazing truth – that the best way to help people is to empower them to ask God for help.
In Africa I witnessed the leaders of Unite 4 Africa point others towards Jesus first. They helped them understand that they are loved by the Alpha and Omega, that they are children of the King. Helping them understand that Jesus cares deeply about them and desires to see them experience life to the fullest in Christ Jesus.
Also while in Africa I helped give out goats to orphans and visited a widow in her small mud and grass thatched house. She was so generous with the little she had. I also joined leaders baptizing about 600 new believers in a river in Ethiopia as they celebrated the new life in Christ. We visited three schools that Unite 4 Africa and my home church helped to build. I saw many instances of Unite 4 Africa helping with the additional steps in empowerment as well, but I will save those stories for a later date. I will leave you with this; come with us to Africa and see for yourself how your prayerful and financial partnership with U4A is positively affecting the continent of Africa!
During this difficult time please pray for all of us to trust in God more, to give us opportunities to turn people toward God and to love each other well. As we all go through this challenging time, I pray that God uses the Covid 19 virus for His glory.
May God bless all of you with the “peace that surpasses all understanding.” Philippians 4:7
In Him,
Scott Genzman
Board member Unite 4 Africa