Note From The Board – Scott Genzman
Note from the Board
Scott Genzman
About three months ago the Unite 4 Africa board members received some of the result numbers for what “we” were able to accomplish in 2022. Since it was before the end of the year, they were not full year numbers but they were close enough that it gave me a good idea of how the ministry was doing. I knew through the course of the year that things were going well and that many people were being reached for Christ, but to put it mildly, I was stunned. In January when the final results came in for the year, I was even more stunned.
How were “we” able to give the gospel message to over 3 million people, including many, many Muslims. Why did more than 155,000 choose to give their lives to Christ? What did “we” do right? How were “we” able to do this on a very modest budget? I have spent a fair amount of time trying to discern these answers, and the conclusion I came up with was that “we” did not do any of it. Notice I have used the word “we” in quotes several times. I did so on purpose because many times I tend to think that way. We (I) did this or that. Look how good that was. Why was it so good? What could I have done better?
However, thinking about it from a “we” perspective, the numbers that Unite 4 Africa accomplished in 2022 still don’t make any sense from a purely human standpoint. Finally, it came to me. It was not “we” or “me.” It was GOD who accomplished all of it. He was simply carrying out His plan through all of us. Psalm 46:10 comes to mind. Here we’re admonished, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” In other words, when we listen to God and do His will, we will be able to accomplish His will. Notice I did not say accomplish “much.” I believe that too is bad thinking. Our goal, rather than strive for ever-increasing numbers, should be to listen to God closely enough that we are able to discern His will and obediently do that. Then leave the results to Him.
So, how do we respond to the “crazy” numbers? We give all the Glory to God. If next year things are not so “good” from a numbers perspective, then we still give all Glory to God. Seems simple right? Not so much, as I am sure you know. It’s easier said than done.
I am so blessed to be serving our King with an organization that understands that we can do nothing without Him. And an organization that discerns God’s will first and then moves in that direction. I am humbled every time I think about all of you praying for wisdom and guidance for all of the leadership of Unite 4 Africa. Please continue to pray that we continue to listen to Him.
About three months ago the members on the board received some of the numbers for what WE were able to accomplish in 2022. Since it was before the end of the year they were not full year numbers but they were close enough that it gave me a good idea of how the ministry was doing. I knew through the course of the year that things were going well and that many people were being reached for Christ, but to put it mildly I was stunned. How were WE able to give the gospel message to over 3 million people including many, many Muslims. Why did more than 155,000 chose to give their lives to Christ. What did WE do right?? How were We able to do this on a very modest budget?? I have spent a fair amount of time trying to discern these answers and the conclusion I came up with was the WE did not do any of it. Notice I have used the word WE in caps several times. I did so on purpose because many time I think that way. We (I) did this or that. Look how good that was, why was it so good, what could I have done better.
However, thinking about it from a “WE” perspective the numbers that Unite 4 Africa accomplished in 2022 still don’t make any sense. Finally, it came to me. It was not “WE” or “ME” it was GOD that accomplished all of it. He was simply carrying out His plan through all of us. Psalm 46:10 comes to mind where the Psalm suggests that “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” In other words when we listen to God and do His will we will be able to accomplish His will. Notice I did not say accomplish “much.” I believe that is bad thinking as well. Our goal I believe is to listen to God closely enough that we are able to discern His will and do that. So how do we respond to the crazy numbers ?? We give all the Glory to God. If next year things are not so good from a numbers perspective then we give all Glory to God. Seems simple right?? Not so much as I am sure you all know.
I am so blessed to be serving our King with an organization that understands that we can do nothing without Him and an organization that discerns God’s will first and then moves in that direction. I am humbled every time I think about all of you praying for wisdom and guidance for all of the leadership of Unite 4 Africa. Please continue to pray that we continue to listen to Him.