Kenya Updates – September 2023
In the month of June, we planted a new Church in Nomayaai Community. In July, during our monthly fellowship, we again chose to visit the same community to encourage them to continue being faithful to our Lord. Our team was greatly encouraged by the love they have in Christ. In fact, the tree under which they worship was inscribed “Church.” They have made themselves seats for their services by using felled tree trunks. During the visit, we were able to give Audio Bibles and food stuffs to all church members and others from the community who were present. Audio Bibles have been of great impact especially to the illiterate in communities. We would like to thank our U4A partners who have been walking alongside us in empowering individuals and families, planting churches and reaching the unreached in different communities.
Fig. 1&2: A tree where the Church is planted and U4A leaders demonstrating how to use Audio Bibles.
Fig. 3&4: Church members keenly following the teachings and later receiving some food stuffs and Audio Bibles.
Written by: Pastor Titus Musenya U4A Outreach Director.
In the last quarter we reached out to at least twenty schools and as a result more than one thousand, five hundred girls have been mentored and issued with enough sanitary pads to serve each for the three months of a school term. Sanitary pads are an essential need for every girl yet not all are privileged to access them.
The embarrassment of staining their clothes causes many to miss school during their menstruation period for lack of pads. Some also fear to request for pads from their parents. We are so grateful for U4A’s support and keeping these young girls in school. One of the teachers, Mr. Kajara from Leboo Primary School that has benefited from this project, said that he is now certain that the improvement of the girls performance in schools would be attainable because they are no longer missing school.
Fig:1&2, Different school girls receiving sanitary pads.
Fig: 3&4 Prayers offered by Pastor Titus before giving pads to the girls and teacher Josephine appreciating the partners for supporting girls.
Written by: Pastor Titus Musenya U4A Outreach Director
Ten years ago, Gilgal Community Church was started at Kimokokua, Tanzania, located next to Namanga at the border of Kenya and Tanzania. Since then, this has been a center of discipleship and training for leaders from both countries and other parts of Africa. Many of the Maasai communities along the border of the two countries have not got to hear the Gospel. Rev. Kaako, who is the Gilgal Pastor and one of the Tanzanian regional leaders, organized a discipleship training for all regional trainers and leaders as they marked their ten years anniversary. It is such a joy that in the ten years more than many souls have given their lives to Christ and over one hundred churches have been planted as disciple making movement continues in the region.
Fig. 1&2: Dr. Okongo, U4A president as an invited guest to the training of regional trainers and leaders.
Fig. 3: The ongoing construction of their new Church building and training Hub that U4A has partnered with them to help finish.
Written by: Pastor Titus Musenya U4A Outreach Director
“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?” (Romans 10:14).
Many people in different communities have not yet believed the Gospel but this is because they have not yet heard it for lack of someone to share it with them. In a span of one week’s outreaches, we were graced to share the Gospel to nine hundred and thirty-seven people at their homes, water points, places of works, grazing grounds and schools and thankfully, two hundred and seven gave their lives to Christ. We appreciate our U4A partners for graciously supplying us with Evangelism and training materials that helps us train people to be grounded in the faith. We are also so thankful for providing all our local leaders with motor bikes that are now making it easy to reach many far and wide within the vast Maasai community.
Fig. 1&2: Pastor Titus leading new converts in the repentance prayer and Trained Disciples ready to leave for door-to-door outreaches.
Fig. 3&4: Men and women commuting their lives to Christ and Pastors praying over them too.
Written by: Pastor Titus U4A Outreach Director.
U4A has been focusing on empowering faithful leaders in the local households of faith who are ready to disciple the new converts as well as give a defense to their faith as a result of being grounded in truth.
Faith Family Chapel in Murang’a has been undertaking an interactive forum dubbed the School of Tyrannus that was started in January 2023 and takes place every Sunday morning prior to the Sunday service. Believers are getting established and empowered to be deeply rooted in the Truth, become disciple-makers and prepared to open autonomous churches as the Holy Spirit leads and guides.
In the month of July, the focus was an in-depth study on prayer as Word based, Spirit led, relational communication with God. One of the participants, a High School teacher, said she’d appreciated the interactive forums because they are beneficial in deconstructing wrong mindsets and restructuring the mind and heart scripturally. She added that she has been using what she had learned to teach others. Another one said that what he has learned has taken him to a whole new level. ” A lot of knowledge has been impacted and I am able to stand and defend my faith. I am now willing to lead corporate prayer and have a clearer sense of direction in my Christian walk.”
Fig. 1&2: Pastor Maina teaching in the School of Tyrannus and one of the participants making a contribution.
Fig. 4: The 2023 school of Tyrannus participants.
Written by Josephine Maina.
Prayer Requests
1. Give thanks with us for the wonderful things God is doing among us.
2. Pray that the new converts would grow into committed and faithful disciples of Christ.
3. Pray for the trained leaders to disciple and equip many more leaders as they also grow into spiritual maturity.
4. Pray for the expansion of God’s work through U4A in Kenya.