Kenya Updates – December 2021
More than Ten years ago Unite 4 Africa started working in this community. This community as they told us, are in the middle of nowhere. This community was isolated and far from all essential services like water, school and hospital. Through Education empowerment, Unite 4 Africa helped to equip a small local Nursery school so that many of the local young children could go to school. But the most and biggest need was water. Eight years ago Unite 4 Africa drilled a borehole for this community, but the funds were not enough to complete the borehole installation. This water stayed for many years without being pumped and recently with help of Unite for Africa leadership the community mobilized its members engaged the local county government until funds were provided to complete the pump and solar installation, and now its all joy as this community enjoys water without struggle or walk for long distance to fetch water. Unite 4 Africa continues to impact lives holistically and we pray many will join U4A to impact the world for Christ
Fig. 1,2&3 Olasiti borehole solar and pump installed, community flocking
the borehole site with donkeys to fetch water even before its complete.
Through the Unite 4 Africa leadership at Ololepo, they helped organize evangelism to reach more souls for Christ. The three-day evangelism saw over thirty people convert and accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior. We now pray for the Lord helps them grow spiritually to mature. Pray for many leaders to continue reaching out through evangelism, as there are still many unreached communities.
Fig. 4,5,6 many people being prayed to receive Jesus Christ at Partimaro community
Hunger is a problem that has plagued humanity for millennia and it continues to haunt to today. Many people go to bed hungry each night. Unite 4 Africa and its partners continue to pray and in small ways to give gifts of food to Maasai families that are devastated by the long draught and long effects of Covid-19. We thank God because, although hunger persists, it has not escaped Gods notice “He gives justice to the poor and food to the hungry” Psalms 146:7. We thank God, it has started to rain and soon they will have green pasture.
Fig 7,8 women receiving food at Empukani
- Thank God for Olasiti borehole that is now serving thousands of families
- Pray for the rains in Southern Kenya
- Pray for the new converts at Partimaro to grow spiritually