Kenya Update – July 2024
Zero School Absentees For Girls
Written by Maina Rukenya.
Some things may understandably look small and even insignificant to some, but to others it makes a whole world of difference. U4A has for a long time been providing sanitary pads to girls in different schools to ensure that the girl child is not absent from school during her monthly periods. Even though sanitary pads are truly good for hygiene and cleanliness, they also have social and psychological benefits as well and so in U4A, we prefer calling them Dignity Pads.
We recently took the opportunity to speak, share God’s love and provide some Dignity Pads to girls in both Ilpartimaro and Oloika Primary and Junior secondary schools in Kajiado County, Kenya. The team was led by Dr. Okongo and Rod, U4A Board Chairman who had come together with a team from Oro Valley Church of the Nazarene (OVCN), led by Pastor Dave. Ms. Stella, the teacher in charge of the girls welfare In Ilpartimaro Junior and Primary school, gratefully testified of how, in just a few years, the U4A initiative of providing dDgnity Pads has resulted in zero school absenteeism of the girls that used to be prevalent due to lack of pads. The girls’ self-worth and confidence has been boosted through this very practical way.
Figure 1,2,3 and 4: Girls receiving Dignity Pads.
Water In Esiteti Village
Written by Rev. Moses Rianto
Two years ago, the Unite 4 Africa Kenya team did evangelism at Esiteti and Maparasha villages and some members of the community accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior. One family graciously gave land to open a church so that there can be a place for fellowship and discipleship. Now this community is celebrating the provision of water because a borehole has been drilled, meeting a felt need in this community.
Their thirst for the Water of life, Jesus Christ, paved the way for this to happen. We give our heartfelt thanks to U4A for partnering with communities for holistic transformation. Women were especially happy and thankful because they can now channel the time and energy they spent walking many kilometers in search of water to other worthy causes.
Fig 1, 2 Unite 4 Africa leaders and community leaders witness the testing of the borehole’s water for quality and quantity.
Bible For New Believers – Oloika Baptist, Purko
Written by Rev. Moses Rianto
God’s word continues to reach many parts of Maasai land, as many teams are going to the field for evangelism. In the month of May 2024, a group of our pastors and church planters did extensive evangelism, reaching many villages. Those who accepted Christ were encouraged to join one of the churches planted near them. To facilitate their spiritual growth, U4A leaders empowered them with a Bible written in their own mother tongue. One of the elders who was gifted a Bible had this to say, “I thank God am holding a Bible in my hands. I have always admired those carrying the book, even when I was not a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. Now I have the most precious gift which is God’s word. I have previously relied on idols for protection, but now I will rely on God’s Word.
Figures 4, 5 Believers displaying their newly acquired bibles. And the elder receiving his bible
Prayer Requests
- Please pray for Esiteti village as we trust God for a school in the community. Many children do not go to school due to distance and possible attack by wild animals.
- Please pray that the new believers may thirst after God and His Word so that they can grow in their walk with Him.
- Pray that God will continue helping girls in Kajiado county to experience true acceptance, care and love in their families and the community.