Kenya Update – January 2024
Written Pastor Titus Musenya – U4A Kenya Outreach Director.
When I mention a goat for an orphan it may sound ordinary, but it means everything for an orphan.
In the month of November, we visited three communities and gave goats to more than thirty orphans at each of these communities. Simon Mpoke, an orphan narrated to us that with the goat he would be able to pay his school fees, get food and milk by merely stewarding the goat he received from U4A. This was echoed by other orphans who received their goats. There was real joy on all their faces and that of their guardians too. We greatly appreciate U4A and all our partners for regarding the whole life of an orphan by empowering them through this gift.
Orphans and the goats they joyfully received
Pastor Titus praying for the Orphans and their goats
By Rev. Moses Rianto
Christmas is the miracle of the Holy God fully embracing frail humanity. As the first cry of Jesus pierced the night, it was the glory of eternity rising through darkness as a light to all people. Jesus came on a mission for us. “When the shepherds saw him, they told them what the Angel had said about the Child. All who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said.”(Luke 2:17–18)
We too are to live as missionaries of light who witness that Jesus has come for all people in all places.
During last month, Men in Zion B Church set to learn how to evangelize to people of a different tribe than the Maasai, witnessing to them what Christ has done in their lives. It was an amazing experience for them and many gave their lives to Christ through these outreaches. Please continue praying for these men, as they reach out to other men for Christ.
Figure 1: The men learning and praying together.
Figure 2: Zion Men witnessing during evangelism
Written by Lydia Rianto
In a world filled with uncertainty and challenges, it is imperative for the youth to be firmly rooted in Christ before they can truly make a lasting impact. For the youth to be firmly grounded, they must engage in studying and applying the Word of God. Drawing inspiration from the lives of Daniel and Joseph, today’s youth have what it takes to make a difference in various fields, just as these individuals influenced nations and societies.
The youth conference in partnership with Orok Youth Group, continue to equip the youth spiritually as well as teach then life skills that will help them grow and become self reliant. It has been the focus of Unite 4 Africa to transform communities and individuals who will in return bring transformation in their communities. We are seeing many young men and women’s lives changed and become examples to emulate.
Figures 1&2 Youth attending the empowerment program at Zion Baptist church
Fighting Against Female Genital Mutilation {FGM} Through the Gospel.
Written by Pastor Titus Musenya, U4A Kenya Director.
Unite 4 Africa is working with the local government and churches who are reaching out and championing the cause against FGM in the Maasai community through the Gospel. Previously, the local government used law enforcement agencies to try and stop FGM but it did not bear much fruit. We have invested in training many leaders through community health empowerment {CHE} who in turn have gone out and trained others at the grassroots level. These volunteer trainers go out and empower communities with knowledge on the dangers, risks and even diseases associated with FGM. We really appreciate the Unite 4 Africa partners for their continued commitment and support that is really helping and rescuing many girls from all the dangers associated with FGM, especially in the marginalized communities.
Fig 1&2, tools used in female genital mutilation {FGM} and women queuing for a meal during the training.
Fig 3&4, women receiving some food stuff after the training together with some women leaders who are committed in the fight against FGM.
Written by Maina Rukenya
Luke.10.27 – So He answered and said, “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind,’ and “love your neighbor as yourself.”
The Christmas message that never loses its appeal is that of God’s love for us and how we reciprocate by loving Him whole heartedly as well as share His love with others. It takes great courage to love God’s way.
The message of love was shared passionately by Dr. Okongo at Faith Family Chapel, Murang’a. He gave practical ways on how to love God with all our hearts, minds, soul and strength with a great impact. He pressed on the need to teach and practice God love, starting at the family unit. God’s word exhorts parents to teach their children when “sitting at home, walking along the road, lying down and when getting up” while writing them on the doorframes of their houses and gates.” (Deuteronomy 11:19-20)
It was such a wonderful time together as Dr. Okongo and Rev. Shyla participated in baby dedication, urging parents to courageously teach and model the love of God to their children.
Dr. Okongo sharing God’s Word at Faith Family Chapel.
Dr. Okongo and Shyla at Faith Family Chapel, Murang’aTown.
A moment of joy during baby our dedication service.
1. Join us in giving thanks for the much God has enabled us to do this year in 2023. We’ve witnessed both individuals and communities transformated by The Gospel.
2. Pray for us to be faithful in doing the revealed will of God as well as have sharp discernment as we serve Him in 2024 and beyond.
3. Pray for the orphan who have received goats and that those would bring forth many offspring and that the poverty cycle will be broken for the orphan.
4. Pray with us as we desire that 2024 be an year of much fruitfulness and kingdom advancement!