Kenya Update – Aug 2013
Kenya Update – August 2013 – Rauf Okal – Operations Director
The Amani Self help group in Kinale has been established for one year now. The group entails residents of Kinale village and has been saving for a project to buy chairs, tents and utensils. The chairs, tents and utensils shall be hired to various people with different functions e.g. weddings, community functions, crusades etc.
The community is predominantly farmers of Kales, carrots and potatoes. They also rear sheep, donkeys and dairy cows. The crop farming has had challenges of farmers failing to buy fertilizers due to high costs. They have thus resorted to using manure.
The returns from the Amani Self help group project shall be used to buy manure for the members and re-paid with interest upon harvest. This is a case of holistic transformation of a community, other than social, physical, spiritual, is economical.
Pastor Paul Muchiri who is a member of the group, and is our coordinator in the village is proud that the community can be united to benefit and uplift each other.
We pray that the project keeps growing to reach out to all members of the community.
Tent purchased by Amani Self Help Group
The community in the tent
Rauf, U4A Kenya Operations Director
during the launch of the project
Rauf sharing with the officials of Amani Self Help Group
Mamboleo RGC organized a crusade in Mamboleo centre from 11th – 14th July 2013. The crusade was meant to reach out to the people of Mamboleo for Christ.
Pastor Paul who pastors in the Church reports that 52 people received Christ and 20 got baptized.
He is joining in on another Crusade in Osieko that is running on until 4th August. Pastor Michael and his team are on a mission to reach out to different people through door-to-door evangelism and evening revivals. The crusade will culminate with baptism and Holy Communion.
House of Hope Chapel in Katito had its Baptism on 17th July 2013.
24 people were baptized. Pastor Paul is continuing with the discipleship class; adults meet on Thursday while teens, on Sunday evening. He desires to see many within the Church become His soldiers, and win many to Christ.
After several years of no members and not being used, Karero Baptist Church was reopened again. The Pastors network in Kajiado did evangelism and now the church has 20 adults mostly women and one man.
Pastor Raphael, a volunteer from one of the churches in Kajiado will lead this church.
Pastor Raphael who will be leading this church will be walking two and half hours to Karero church one way every Sunday and any other day he plans to go. Please pray for strength and God’s guidance. Pray that God provides transport for him.
Picture of Karern Church
Team doing minor repairs in the church building
Improvised seats in the chuch building
From left, Pastor Nganga, Pastor Rapael,
Pastor Ntekenkei, and Rev Rianto at the site