Ghana Updates – November 2021
“Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air.” (1 Corinthians 9:25-26)
The Lord has been faithful and His goodness abounds forever. As we run this race we are constantly reminded of the reason for being part of the race and the need to run according to the set rules so that nothing will stop us from receiving the desire prize at the end.
Visit to Church Planting Training Centers
Five Church planting Centers were visited by Samson to hear from those being trained and their facilitators’ awesome stories of what the Lord is doing using The Timothy Initiative strategies such as the practice of sharing their stories and God’s story within their neighborhood. It was so encouraging to hear from the trainees how some of them have been able to start more than one fellowship in less than four months of being part of the training program.
Facilitating at a Missionary Training School
The All Nations for Christ College a missionary training school in Tamale had Samson facilitating two separate sessions in their quest to equip people with a missionary mindset to reach the unreached but with a focus on the Fulani people group for Christ.
Seed of Hope Radio Broadcast
The weekly radio program dubbed The Seed of Hope Broadcast has continued to experience the grace of God with many testifying of how they have been blessed through the broadcast.
Opportunity to Give at Christmas
The Christmas season is a period where love is shown to people around the world. I want you to consider partnering with us by choosing any of these needs shown below which falls within your area of interest:
Prayer Needs
• Continue to pray for the Timothy Initiative trainers across Ghana as they make their way to the Training of Trainers in some few days time..
• Keep praying for the Seed of Hope Radio Broadcast that as we engage more with the listeners Christ will be glorified and souls saved.
• Pray for the farmers in northern Ghana as they prepare to begin harvesting their crops..
Yours in His Vineyard
Samson Abukari – Country Director, Ghana