Ghana Update – Sep 2014
Ghana Update – Sep 2014 – Samson Abukari U4A Country Director, Ghana
And this is his commandment that we believe in the name of his Son Jesus Christ and love one another, just as he has commanded us. Whoever keeps his commandments abides in God, and God in him. And by this we know that he abides in us, by the Spirit whom he has given us.” (1 John 3:23-24 ESV)
The name of our Lord should be praised forever and ever. In his love he has revealed his son to us that by believing him we can love one another. As we continue to abide in him we are confident that his spirit will also continue to abide in us that we daily improve in our love for one another even as the Lord has commanded us.
Team Meeting
The U4A Ghana team met to consider some of the ways by which effectiveness and efficiency can be injected into the operations of U4A over here in Ghana. It was a great moment of sharing with openness and sincerity to see the Lord do his work through simple men as he has continued to do since creation. It is trust and hope that grace will abound as these thoughts and ideas are implemented to bring about simple but significant changes in the lives our people.
Widows Gathering
Samson had the privilege as the leader of the International Baptist Convention to facilitate a study for the encouragement of a little over 30 widows drawn from the various Baptist Churches. It is our hope and prayer that God will touch men and women with an open heart to assist U4A to partner with the Baptist International to become a channel through which the Lord will bring hope, encouragement and relief to these women and even extend numerous widows out there who are yearning just for love from the Church and the society at large.
Orphans’ Project Takes off
The orphans’ project has taken off with the selection of first 10 beneficiaries of the project. Each of the beneficiaries is to receive a female goat which is to be reared with the hope these goats will multiply sooner and can be a source of income for these orphan to meet some of their basic needs. Monitoring to see how each of them is doing will continue. It is our prayer that the Lord will make resources available for the expansion of the project.
Updated Sustainability Project Proposals
The leadership team updated the sustainability proposals that were presented to the U4A board for consideration about three months ago. As we look forward to the Lord for his provision of partnerships and resources for the implementation of these projects we trust that these projects will help bring about effectiveness and efficiency in our operations in Ghana.
Prayer Needs
We appreciate everyone who has been part of what the Lord has been doing in our midst. We are once again calling on you to stand with us in lifting up the following prayer needs to the Lord:
• Appreciate the Lord for answered prayer as the Lord heard us and has begun providing rain for the farmlands in Northern Ghana. Let us keep praying that the required amounts of rains will continue to be made available for good crop yield.
• Let us continue to pray for the West African Sub-Region for God’s hand over the land in the midst of the outbreak of the Ebola virus parts of the region.
• Pray for parts of Accra the capital of Ghana as they battle with the outbreak of cholera.
Yours in His Vineyard
Samson Abukari
(Country Director, Ghana)