Ghana Update – October 2015
“In reading this, then, you will be able to understand my insight into the mystery of Christ, which was not made known to men in other generations as it has now been revealed by the Spirit to God’s holy apostles and prophets. This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus”.(Ephesians 3:4-6 NIV)
The Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ has continued to be the only hope for humanity. Through the Gospel there is hope for all nations, tribes, languages and everyone in the universe. All that is required is for people of all nations, tribes and languages is to accept the gospel, then they will automatically qualify to be heirs of our heavenly father and partakers in the original plan of God. May everyone understand this mystery and equally, take part in it.
The Timothy Initiative Facilitators Training
Samson, one of The Timothy Initiative Facilitators, participated in a facilitators training that recently took place in Tamale. It was a platform for sharing how the Church planting trainings, of those facilitators who began a few months back, have been using the training and to equip them with additional training. Samson had a discussion with the East African Director of the initiative who expressed interest in partnering with Unite 4 Africa in East Africa for their Church planting activities.
Discipleship Training
Samson, after participating in the Discipleship training offered by the South East Church in July 2015, has begun implementing the lessons that were taught and has established a discipleship class in the Moglaa Baptist Church. The class has a vision of establishing reproducible Churches in four different communities.
The Timothy Initiative Program
The Timothy Initiative Church planting Class that Samson is leading has moved into its tenth week. Each week everyone is greatly challenged with thought provoking issues regarding the current perception of the Church about the great commission efforts that are being made. The class has reached the point where individuals are challenged to come up with strategies they will be personally pursuing for the completion of the task of the great commission.
Prayer Needs
- Keep praying for the students who took part in the Mercy Academy classes that the Holy Spirit will continue to work in their lives and lead them to the point where they can make decisions to follow Christ.
- Pray for The Timothy Initiative students that the Lord who has begun stirring them up for the work of the great commission will give them the grace to continue to implement the lessons that are learnt each week.
- Keep praying for the Gospel work in Northern Ghana especially, for the penetration of the good news among the various people groups which have not yet experienced the grace in the good news.
Yours in His Vineyard
Samson Abukari
(Country Director, Ghana)