Ghana – February 2024 Newsletter
He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field. Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves,” (Luke 10:2-3)
Having a good beginning especially, at the very start of a new year is very important and offers us the opportunity to anticipate great and wonderful things from our Master. New beginnings are amazing moments. May we all enjoy a great start in this New Year. Amen
The annual gathering of children to celebrate the birth of Christ took place with over 150 children in attendance. The gathering most of the time brings together children from three different communities joining their counterpart in Janjori Kukuo where the Baptist Church is located.
In an answer to the question, “Why do we celebrate during the period of Christmas?”- one of the children who is a non – Christian said “It is in remembrance of the coming to the world of the Savior of mankind”
By the grace of God, the broadcast has continued week after week with great testimonies. “Listening to Seed of Hope Broadcast is a God given opportunity for one to build one`s faith in Christ”. “I sincerely thank God for this weekly broadcast and my prayer is that people will assist in keeping it on air. I am transformed by it and I know other listeners are also just like me through this broadcast.” Another testimony of a listener – “I am not a Christian but Seed of Broadcast is one of the radio programs that I cherish so much.” These are but a few testimonies from listeners across the regions in northern Ghana.
Intentional development of leaders is something that is bedrock of whatever we want the future to be and offer to humanity. In our leadership journey there comes a time you identify some individuals who are ready for the next level in terms of their leadership journey.
Prayer Needs
- Ask God for special grace for Samson as he moves into areas of added responsibilities by TTI
- Pray for God’s abundant grace for the Seed of Hope Broadcast as we move into the coming weeks and months with a new series.
- Thank God for a successful TOT1 for Northern, Savannah and North East Regions
Yours in His Vineyard
Samson Abukari – Country Director, Ghana