Ethiopia Updates – October 2022
1. Leadership Development & Empowerment Program.
We as Unite 4 Africa Ethiopia team offers different levels of training, seminars and workshops for local leaders and church leaders of various backgrounds to teach them how to develop positive, culturally relevant approaches. As the church planting movement grows; developing & empowering leaders has been becoming a huge need.
To address this need and to equip our new emerging leaders; we have started a one-year Leadership Empowerment program. The pictures below show that 18 leaders have graduated from this program, we have prayed and committed them to the ministry before our annual general assembly meeting.
This program started 7 years ago and this group was the 7th round of graduates. This program has brought a huge impact in the lives and ministry of our leaders.
Prayer of blessing to our leaders
2. Visiting and Youth Leadership Training in Mizan town & Jimma district
Jimma district is one of the persecuting regions in Ethiopia. Few years ago, many churches were burnt & destroyed and many Christians displaced and physically got attacked. Rev. Dr. Okongo visited the regions and encouraged our leaders and churches.
Just few weeks ago I went to the region and did a follow up visit. I also trained our youth and empowered our leaders. God has been doing great things in this region and our churches got encouraged by the Holy Spirit. We thank God for strengthening our churches and giving them joy through persecution.
Youth training and speaking in our churches in Mizan town, Jimma District
3. Wonji Showa School Desks & Class Rooms Repair and Maintenance
September is a school opening month and it requires some efforts to prepare to receive our students. Unite 4 Africa supports our school to do maintenance and repair of the class rooms and school desks so that it will be ready for our students for this school season. We did the work of repair & maintenance of 5 class rooms and more than 50 desks. I take this opportunity to thank our partners who supported us to do this work. We will keep praying for all our partners.
Work of Maintenance and Desk Repair
4. Conclusion, Praise & Prayer Requests
The followings are praises and prayer request items to pray about with us: –
• Thank God for our leaders and Churches in Jimma area for their comfort and to stand firm through persecution.
• Continue to pray for our disciple making movement that; may God would help us to make many more true disciples who are willing to follow Jesus with love and devotion.
• Pray for our new young emerging leaders who are serving in various towns and villages that may God would continue to equip them and help them to apply the knowledge and skills that they received from our training.
Samson Weldemariam /Pst/
Africa & Ethiopia director of U4A