Ethiopia Updates – January 2021
1. Disciple-makers Training for our leaders in Welenchity town
We have conducted the 3rd module of our disciple – making training for our leaders on the topic of “Vision”. 20 key leaders and church planters have attended the training. Those leaders have come from various towns and villages such as Adama/Nazareth/, Welenchity, Boffa, Donni and from some other villages.
We have discussed and shared with them the importance of understanding the three C’s principles to live out our vision which are called Character, Competency and Calling.
We have started this movement of disciple – making in our country with the aim of raising disciple making leaders in every sphere of life. We have adopted the materials from our partner called J-life Africa and started giving our leaders the four modules that will help them to initiate Jesus’s way of disciple – making movement in our country and beyond.
So far we have conducted the three modules and it went very well. After they received the training they go to their respective areas and train more other leaders in their respective areas and region.
Disciple- making training on “Vision”
2. Youth Leadership development training in Adama /Nazareth/ town.
Ethiopia is said to be the country of youth. 65% of its population is under the age of 35. So, impacting our youth is impacting the future of our nation. The church of Ethiopia has to do a lot to transform the lives of our young generation and to prepare them for their destiny.
We have done so much to train, empower and couch our youth through various programs. Youth Leadership development training is one of the platforms that we are using to fulfil the vision we have for our youth.
we have trained 25 youth in Adama/ Nazareth/ town on the topic of Jesus’s strategy to make disciples. In this training the participants were not only from Emmanuel United Church but also from 6 other denominations and churches in the town. We thank God for the opportunity that He has granted us to reach out to the key youth leaders even from other denominations.
Youth Leadership Empowerment Training
3. Church Planters and Leaders Training in Bensa-Daye town – Sidamo Region, Ethiopia
Evangelism and Church Planting is one of our key activities that we have been doing aggressively in our ministry. Sidama region is one the areas where we have been doing church planting. There are more than 56 churches in place called Bensa-Daye.
Pastor Nigussei Worku is one of our key master trainers; went to that region and trained more than 30 key and top leaders and church planters. I thank God for Pastor Nigussie.
Bansa – Daye Training & consultation
I would like to share our prayer request with you to pray about:
• Pray for peace, stability and unity of our Country Ethiopia.
• Pray for protection and peace of mind of our leaders who are in conflict affecting regions and areas.
• Pray for our discipleship – making movement, Leadership training, Business leaders summit, youth leadership development training and animal and School projects so that may God would continue using to transform our communities.
Samson W. /Pst/
Vice – president of U4A and Ethiopia Director