Ethiopia Update – February 2016
Ethiopia Update – February 2016 – Samson Weldemariam – Director of Unite 4 Africa, Ethiopia
Youth Gospel Campaign through Drama in Harar
Our youth in Harar town are doing great things. Just few weeks ago they have conducted Gospel campaign and they have reached out many young people by the Gospel of Jesus Christ especially through the method of using Drama. They showed an amazing performance when they were playing the story of the crucified Jesus on the cross. The hearts of many people have touched and as a result of that more than 20 people accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior. Praise God!
Playing the Drama
Harar Orphans celebrates Christmas in their Home
We have 8 orphans (4 boys and 4 girls) in Harar. The church in Harar is good taking care of them by preparing them separate homes. They are growing very fast. According to the report from Pastor Mesfin the girls celebrated Christmas with him in great joy. We thank God for their holistic growth. They are growing physically, spiritually and even academically. All of them are now in High school. Pray for them because their needs are also growing as they are growing.
Christmas Celebration with our orphan girls in Harar
Prayer request and intervention for our draught affected villages
Last month I visited some of our villages around Wlenchity area. And it was so sad to see how the draught has affected our people specially women and children. They lost all their crops in the field because there was no rain. But, I observed in my visit that the people and children in the church have faith on God and waiting for His intervention with their smiling face. Their reaction to the situation made me amazed. Pray for them special for children and pregnant women.
Children & teenage girls in Arobina village Church
We are expecting great things from God in this New Year even though the challenges are not easy.
- Pray for the girls in Harar may God would meet their needs as they growing.
- Pray for the draught affected villages may God remembers the children and the pregnant women and gives them rain provision.
- Pray for our Wonji showa school project may God help us to fulfill the Physics & chemistry laboratory equipment.
- Pray for all or projects and plans may God would grant us recourses to accomplish it in the upcoming Year.