Ethiopa Update – Jan 2014
Ethiopa Year In Review – January 2014 – Samson Weldemariam – Country Director
By the grace of God and your faithful partnerships we have had a fruitful and effective year here in Ethiopia.
Below are some highlights:
- Our churches leadership and missionary team has grown and developed significantly.
- We have trained hundreds of ministers in our Bridges seminars and Sanctity of human life trainings.
- Many abused teenage girls have been re-habllitated in various ways.
- Thousands of people have committed their lives to Christ and are growing in their new relationships with Him.
- Educational opportunities have been provided to our students and orphans through our local churches in different regions of Ethiopia.
- Many orphans have been supported by purchasing goats for them and in many different ways.
- The school in Wonji-Shewa added additional class rooms and built a science laboratory and further extended its reach and influence into its community.
- The school in Wonji-Shewa also purchased much needed books for the students and for the school library.
- Our partnerships with other local Churches and local and international ministries have continued to grow.
- We are actively engaged in ministering to university students and youth on a larger scale.
- Hosted a number of short term missionary teams.
- Continued to invest in unreached areas of Ethiopia.
- We have prepared a plan for the year 2014.
We are thankful for all that God has done in this past year and we are filled with expectation for even greater things in 2014!
Thank you and be Blessed